Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm Famous!

When I went to that small matsuri the other week, a high school teacher told me I was famous. I think he was joking though. He had recognized me from a newspaper article. Also when I went to visit my schools to do aisatsu and meet the Principals and English Department Heads, they had all seem to know I play the violin and were encouraging me to come and play for the kids.....

I forgot to mention that I met the Matsusaka City Mayor and was interviewed for the newspaper. I was pretty nervous and I don't think those weren't my exact words, but it's an okay article. And what lovely unflattering photo they choose. I know they took better photos of me shaking the Mayor's hand or something. I don't think anyone can take a photo worse than that.

I translated the article for those who can't read Japanese. But if you think about it, this is a translation of my broken Japanese and English being translated back into English..... I think my words were changed.......

"With the Violin, Exchange"
Lee-san (from Hawaii) is the new ALT for 4 schoools including Tonomachi Junior High School.

On the 10th of August at 11am, Mayor Yamanaka greeted the new Matsusaka City Foreign Language Assistant Language Teacher (ALT), Patrice Lee (23), upon arriving in Japan.. Lee-san will take on the ALT positon at 4 schools including Tonomachi Junior High School, amongst them. On that day at the City Hall, Lee-san visited the Mayor. She shared that during her University days, she majored in music. "Since I brought my violin with me, I want to play in front of the children. If possible I want to exchange through music." Also, she has an interest in Japanese music and is eagger to take up Koto amongst other instruments. Lee-san will be the ALT at Tonomachi Junior High School, Kamada Junior High School, Daiichi Elementary School, and Minato Elementary School till July 31st of next year.

Caption of the photo: "I want to exchange through music," Lee-san telling Mayor Yamanaka her ambition. At the City Hall

1 comment:

  1. AHAHAHAHAHAA oh, dear. I love you but that is the most unfortunate photo in the world <3<3 it's your "I'm trying to smile for the camera but have ZERO interest in smiling for you" face
